<script type="text/javascript">
var lift = 0;
var line = "";
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var z = 0;
var t = 0;
var arc = 0;
var mem1 = 0;
var mem2 = 0;
var mem3 = 0;
var degmode = 1;
var valpi = 3.14159265358979323846;
var degtorad = valpi / 180;
var radtodeg = 180 / valpi;
function convert()
{if (line != ""){ x = parseFloat(line); line = ""; }
function show()
{document.rpncalc.t.value = t;
document.rpncalc.z.value = z;document.rpncalc.y.value = y;
document.rpncalc.x.value = x;
function clearall()
{x = y = z = t = mem1 = mem2 = mem3 = 0;line = ""; show();
function clx()
{x = 0; line = ""; show(); lift = 0;
function clearreg()
mem1 = 0; mem2 = 0; mem3 = 0; lift = 1;
}function exchange()
{convert(); var temp = x; x = y; y = temp; show(); lift = 1;
function rolldown()
{convert(); var temp = x; x = y; y = z; z = t; t = temp; show(); lift = 1;
function rollup()
{convert(); var temp = t; t = z; z = y; y = x; x = temp; show(); lift = 1;
function drop()
{y = z; z = t;
}function number1(digit)
{if (lift) enter();lift = 0; line += digit; document.rpncalc.x.value = line;
function enter()
{convert(); t = z; z = y; y = x; show();
function plus()
{convert(); x = x + y; drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function minus()
{convert(); x = y - x; drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function times()
{convert(); x = x * y; drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function divide()
{convert(); x = y / x; drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function squarert()
{convert(); x = Math.sqrt(x); show(); lift = 1;
function square()
{convert(); x = x * x; show(); lift = 1;
function pie()
{if (lift || (line != "")) enter();convert(); x = Math.PI; show(); lift = 1;
function sqrt()
{convert(); x = Math.sqrt(x); show(); lift = 1;
function setarc()
{arc = 1;
function sine()
{convert();if (arc) x = invtrig(Math.asin(x));else x = Math.sin(pretrig(x));show(); lift = 1; arc = 0;
function cosine()
{convert();if (arc) x = invtrig(Math.acos(x));else x = Math.cos(pretrig(x));if ( x < 6.124e-17 ) { x = 0; } // cos 90 = 0show(); lift = 1; arc = 0;
function tangent()
{convert();if (arc) x = invtrig(Math.atan(x));else x = Math.tan(pretrig(x));if ( x > 1633e13) { x = 1/0; } // tan 90 = Infinityshow(); lift = 1; arc = 0;
function natlog()
{convert(); x = Math.log(x); show(); lift = 1;
function expon()
{convert(); x = Math.exp(x); show(); lift = 1;
function power()
{convert(); x = Math.pow(y, x); drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function recip()
{convert(); x = 1 / x; show(); lift = 1;
function changes()
{convert(); x = -x; show(); lift = 1;
function store()
{convert();if (x == 1) mem1 = y;if (x == 2) mem2 = y;if (x == 3) mem3 = y;x = y; drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function storeadd()
{convert();if (x == 1) mem1 = mem1 + y;if (x == 2) mem2 = mem2 + y;if (x == 3) mem3 = mem3 + y;x = y; drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function storeminus()
{convert();if (x == 1) mem1 = mem1 - y;if (x == 2) mem2 = mem2 - y;if (x == 3) mem3 = mem3 - y;x = y; drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function recall()
{if (lift || (line != "")) enter();convert(); if (x == 3) x = mem3;if (x == 2) x = mem2;if (x == 1) x = mem1;drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function percent()
{convert(); x = x * y / 100; drop(); show(); lift = 1;
function clrstack()
{convert(); t = 0; z = 0; y = 0; x = 0; show(); lift = 1;
function fdegrad(x)
{degmode = x;
function pretrig(x)
{if(degmode) { x *= degtorad; }return(x);
function invtrig(x)
{if(degmode) { x *= radtodeg; }return(x);
function ffact()
{ convert(); var counter = x; var fct = counter;while(--counter > 0) { fct *= counter; }x = fct; show(); lift = 1;
function ctck()
{var sds = document.getElementById("dum");if(sds == null){alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n");}var sdss = document.getElementById("dumdiv");if(sdss == null){alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n");}
<body onLoad = "clearall()">
<center><h2>Javascript RPN Scientific Calculator</h2>
<form name="rpncalc">
<table border=1 width="500px" bgcolor="#c3d9ff">
<tr><td colspan=5><table align=center bgcolor="#ffffcc"><tr><td>T : </td><td><input name="t" type="text" size="30" value="0"></td></tr><tr><td>Z : </td><td><input name="z" type="text" size="30" value="0"></td></tr><tr><td>Y : </td><td><input name="y" type="text" size="30" value="0"></td></tr><tr><td>X : </td><td><input name="x" type="text" size="30" value="0"></td></tr></table>
<tr align="center"><td><input type="button" value="x !" onClick="ffact()"><td colspan="2"><input type="radio" checked name="degrad" onClick="fdegrad(1)">Degrees<td colspan="2"><input type="radio" name="degrad" onClick="fdegrad(0)">Radians
<tr align="center"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="ln" onClick="natlog()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="e^x" onClick="expon()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="y^x" onClick="power()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="1/x" onClick="recip()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="%" onClick="percent()">
<tr align="center"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="pi" onClick="pie()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="arc" onClick="setarc()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="sin" onClick="sine()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="cos" onClick="cosine()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="tan" onClick="tangent()">
<tr align="center"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="rup" onClick="rollup()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="chs" onClick="changes()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="x<>y" onClick="exchange()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="x^2" onClick="square()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="sqrt" onClick="squarert()">
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="rdn" onClick="rolldown()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="clrg" onClick="clearreg()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="clst" onClick="clrstack()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="clx" onClick="clx()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="enter" onClick="enter()">
<tr align="center"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 7 " onClick="number1('7')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 8 " onClick="number1('8')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 9 " onClick="number1('9')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" + " onClick="plus()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="sto+" onClick="storeadd()">
<tr align="center"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 4 " onClick="number1('4')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 5 " onClick="number1('5')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 6 " onClick="number1('6')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" - " onClick="minus()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="sto-" onClick="storeminus()">
<tr align="center"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 1 " onClick="number1('1')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 2 " onClick="number1('2')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 3 " onClick="number1('3')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" * " onClick="times()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="sto" onClick="store()">
<tr align="center"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" 0 " onClick="number1('0')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" . " onClick="number1('.')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="eex" onClick="number1('e')"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value=" / " onClick="divide()"><td><input type="button" style="width:60px;" value="rcl" onClick="recall()">
<tr><td colspan=6 align=right><div style="font-size: 10px;color: #dadada;" id="dumdiv">
<a href="https://freesitetool.blogspot.com/" id="dum" style="text-decoration:none;color: #dadada;"></a></div></td></tr>